Thursday, July 17, 2008

dinner with shera was a great time.

simple, yet the time spent was special. shared heart, and shared life. and it warms my heart to see how far we've come.

she was the one who brought me to know God. and i am thankful for her step of faith! and we've been through much tog, though in between we were serving in different groups and places, but at the end of it all, i rejoice in my soul and heart, that we are still in the race tog.

go go shera!

so much on my heart, that i've no idea how to express them in clarity. all i know, what i am feeling at the moment is purely- thankful.

The Lord is good; His LOVE endures forever!

HE is good; He's above all things; His LOVE endures forever!

despite unsettling circumstances, there's a deep sense of confidence and peace. and i rejoice. i rejoice that, I have a loving God who is for me, who looks after me.

and He expresses His love through people and circumstances. blessed.

doing some checks of circumstances that happened in my life. i can only say i am just really grateful in learning the beauty of surrendering.

when my eyes were least focused on my wants, God took care of my needs. He blessed in ways I cannot see. He healed the pain, and made the broken whole.

there were some things on my agenda which i purposefully left unchecked a year ago. the reason that they were left unchecked were not much to do with spiritual reasons, i hasten to admit; it was simply cos i have no idea how to move those situations on. i have cried over them i have questioned Him for answers and i have battled with the loneliness in those times.

but the saving grace of all was the clarity of one eternal agenda in my mind. no matter how much tantrum i can throw in my quiet time; i can sulk cry be bitter and pout, i can never run away from the grace and love that God has unconditionally lavished.

you know, today even as i relooked at what i have left unchecked, there was immense peace. i did not look back with a sense of dismay and nostalgia; i looked back as i reminisce and smiled- i truly smiled. i was surprised. it had no foothold in me. there's freedom.

that's what makes me so convicted about freedom in surrendering. cos i've tasted it. and like the song by Avalon, it's sweet surrender.

All belongs to You.

Gracias A Dios!


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