Tuesday, October 09, 2007

thank God for His ways of encouragement. :)

woke up this morning feeling kind of blue. as i dragged my feet to the laptop, i sat down and prayed for today.

and i feel like clearing things on my desktop. to re-organise it a little. random, i know.

but as i put the documents into the folders respectively, i came across a longg letter, that i wrote to God on 10th March 2007, in the morning at 9.39am. typing at THE corner of the room, once again.

"10 March 2007-
...my heart, is suddenly peeling off. I think I am going to get an “infection” anytime soon. And God, I really don’t want it to happen..

...Dawned upon me that, holding tight to objects that you love very much, may not be beneficial. Let go, Let God.

...Believe His plans are always meant to prosper me, not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future. Yes, and amen.

...Really love you Lord, my Heavenly Father. I know that you are listening to every beat of my heart now. How long it has been, that I last felt this way. In fact, none, ever since I became a Christian, isn’t it. how funny. :)

..Don’t ask me why God, I have no reasons. You do.

John 14. I trust in You.

Trust in You and not myself, will always lead to blessings, Lord have Your way in me. Amen.

Love, mingxiu. 9.39 am."

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