Sunday, October 28, 2007

believe it will be a long night once more. with a rather hard-to-digest-the-readings-and-hence-hard-to-churn-out-something-that-make-sense-essay. and having an hour forward with daylight saving seems to make it all a tad time-tight. Hmmmmm. but timely, was encouraged in ways!

be it through the praise and worship songs that are singing loudly from my lappiee now, be it through just have people asking me how i am which i much appreciate, be it just chancing msn nicks that lifted me up and reminded me of His promises! like.

...i will get down and pray, and know that help is on its way! :)

pray, and yes, it spoke to me, that in all things, commit it FULLY to Him! :) let everything, give Him honour and praise, as we do it unto Him. hallelujah!

surely! amen. :)

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