Wednesday, March 14, 2007

GOD is faithful.

And yes, that we all know. :)

But God is really faithful in remembering us. And I am so loved by Him in many areas of my life.

And all this boils down to the fact of, willingness to obey, and to seek him.

for the past few months, it was energy-consuming for me.

and i think the whole turning point came about when i fell sick physically. And i realise, i am not that (as in thhhhaaat) young anymore.

I need rest, i don't have endless energy. And as much as i think that God will sustain me, I need to exercise some wisdom over my life. To be a good steward over my temple.

You cant be a spiritual giant with an withered body and mind, can you? :))

Time with liyan yesterday was good. I enjoyed the simple fellowship. Have been evaluating and reflecting upon my life recently. And hence, i asked her about what she thinks I can do better in as well.

And i am really glad that i asked, cos what i see will always be what i see. and i will only work on what i see. I am always thankful to my friends who are open, and trust me, and care for me enough to help me grow in my areas of weakness.

Better is open rebuke, than hidden love, as said in Proverbs.

Her sharing was consistent with what a friend commented on my life as well: Looking at the Big Picture.

And in many areas of my life, i know that He has put me in situations whereby i got to grow in this. I thank God that He created these opportunities and room for me to grow. :))

Yes, I will work on it. And as what Ps Jeff shared during sermon that day, we need a growth point besides growth areas in our life.

Growth Point!

And all excited for Penang! My first time to visit a Hope Church besides Singapore. Haha, its a pity that my curriculum timings are never "normal". It always clashes with the majority.

So praise the Lord, for this opportunity to have attachment in Penang, and a time whereby I can visit their local church as well. :)

It's amazing, how God has blessed me abundantly in my life, even though I deserve none of it. How He never failed to pour in blessings to the group and to grow it. New blood, new leaders.

Now it's all my side of the game to play. To capture the heartbeat of Christ and do likewise. To water it faithfully, with wisdom and a lens of eternity. To learn to be Kingdom-minded, for His people and the many generations ahead.

Pour out all that I have, for His eternal glory. Am I up to it?

I believe I can, when I choose to consecrate myself, live a life of obedience, and surrender my life fully to Him. By His grace, I can.

It's going to be exciting!


Anonymous said...

wowwwwwwwww. themoment i come into ur blog, u updated!!!

tagggg frm Hangzhou. blessed by ur entry! -utan (:

ace said...

ur links and all is reflected in the blog liao... :) haha... i think u really shd post "ace is CUTE"... aft u post tis im sure ur blog wont have prob anymore... :p hahaha

ace said...

btw... unable to view ur pic... :) i think u gotto upload it again... :)