Sunday, April 23, 2006

as i look back upon my week, it was terrible. or terrible is too light a word to express my heart and degree of the "terrible-ness"?

terror-terri-horror-horri-ble. yeah. that kind. hahas.

in fact, i really thought i was clinically depressed. all symptoms fufilled. hahas.

but as i think back again, i give thanks for the rough times. it really challenge my limits. challenge my character. challenge my threshold of things around me. challenge my faith. challenge my security. challenge my trust. challenge my almost everything.

sometimes i wonder what lies ahead. and whenever i think of this, corrine may's song jus come into my mind. "Everything in His time". And the lyrics, "there are a thousand reasons why i should give up, but i'm stubborn in the things i believe....."

"I'm telling you, the answer will come, Hold on to patience and watch for the sign,..everything in His time.."

when i start to turn my head from stressors to blessings, the difference in my spirit is immeasurable. i start to give thanks. and recall the snippets of blessings. how can i not be moved? my friends, my family, spirtual fam, everyone. how can i not be blessed?

u know whats the problem with me? i am suffering from some short sightedness. spiritually.

i get too focused on the present downs, and find it hard at times to look beyond the future ups.

m really immersed with joy and hope when i jump into thanksgiving. so much to rejoice about.

ytd's prayer meet really stir in me. i walked in, and what i heard was the qn " are you in a battle today?"

honestly, i thought i was. but after much thoughts, maybe where i am now is jus the pre war period. hahahs.

now is the 'donning on armour-putting out shield-drawing out my sword and getting ready to charge across battle field' time.

and what moves me? i know i m not alone. He is already in front.

I just need to get the rest to be ready. beside one another.

one 'ohana!

Alright, due to the over the weeks intense training in quoting authors after the piles of reports, heres one:

"To quote Lilo, in her own eloquent way, she said, 'Ohana means family. Family means no one is left behind - or forgotten.' "

Fischer, J. (i dunno the year). Lilo & Stitch and the Spirit of Hawaii:
The message of the film and the meaning of 'ohana [Online]. Available: (2006, April 22)

hehe. bet the referencing is wrong. i seldom reference online stuff. hahahs.

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