Sunday, November 09, 2008

was basically thinking through some stuff while brushing my teeth in the morning. and this came to my mind: keeping the main thing the main thing.

not something new, but yeah, it's like something finally snapped within me. what's my 'main thing' at this very moment, or rather, season in my life? do i know what is that main thing so that i can keep it the main thing?

right. feels confusing isnt it. interestingly, today's sermon brought me to explore philippians a lil more. and an a-ha moment occurred.

philippians 3:5-9

is all about focus. absolute focus. and it means, 'letting go of nice things that don't matter', as defined in the maxwell leadership bible.

Paul had a sharp focus. he discarded not only the things he once counted as gain, but he would rather lose it all if that allows him to gain intimacy with Christ.

Jesus told Martha- "only one thing is neccessary".

quoting from the maxwell bible- people base their decisions on a variety of things:

1. The Ultimate: first things first.
2. The Urgent: loud things first.
3. The Unpleasant: hard things first.
4. The Unfinished: last things first.
5. The Unfulfilling: dull things first.

Paul exemplifies a leader who focused on the Ultimate everyday. how about us? how about me?

i have a tendency to do the loud things first, and even sometimes, dull things first.

so what can i do?

as suggested by john c. maxwell.,

1. Work on yourself. -You are your greatest asset or liability.
2. Work on your priorities. -Fight for the important ones.
3. Work in your strengths. -You can reach your potential if you do.
4. Work with your colleagues. -You can't be effective alone.

great life lessons to learn from Paul.

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