Friday, August 15, 2008

4 life lessons i've learnt today :) ;

1. advertisement can either direct you, or mislead you. lesson learnt: power of accurate advertisement.

2. to always be aware AND meet the needs of others; be sensible, be sensitive, be observant, apply clinical knowledge learnt; man with symptoms of parkinson's with fine motor issues who won a mini luggage combination lock. displays difficulties in fine motor manipulation and handwriting issues. finally clicked within me that should have changed the gift to something that he may enjoy better; which we did change for him in the end. and he enjoyed the bag way better than the lock. lesson learnt: an occ.therapist in life; not in name. striving to allow others to enjoy maximum quality of life according to their abilities!

3. "a gift is a gift". gift defined as something that is bestowed voluntarily and unconditional. hence, in essence, no better gift than another. "a gift is a gift". a gift is only "better" when you know how to appreciate it at its value, and understanding the principle of that we have it though we did not earn it, or perhaps, we didn't even deserve it. lesson learnt: always be grateful, and full of thanksgiving- and you will enjoy life to its worth.

4. a smile is a common language, despite language barriers. lesson learnt: smile more and you will never go wrong. when it goes wrong, it's probably we've being stingy with our smiles.

what powerful lessons are there in life, praise the Lord! how creative is the Lord, to always teach and guide with the H.S., using all circumstances.

yearning for more lessons everyday.

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