Monday, August 25, 2008

working in the airport has enabled me to meet with people of all walks.

i've learnt a common lesson, that is; appreciation.

it may be appreciation of gifts, of things, of service, of people, of facilities, but really, there's so much to thank God for by just living around in Singapore.

was just having my break one night, and i sat near where the boarding lounge was. eating my siew mai, i just sat down and gazed at the aircraft. It was an aircraft that was preparing to take on passengers in a while's time. suddenly, as i peered harder, i saw many many people walking around near the aircraft.

it dawned upon me, they were the aunties and uncles who were cleaning up late in the night, with bags and bags of trash that they carried down the stairs.

i dont know if that day i was emo or what, but i just thought of "unsung heros". I mean, maybe these things are not considered heroric, but they are the "backstage" peeps who contributes largely to make your flight a pleasant one.

and they work in the darkness where no one sees (unless you happen to be eating siew mai peering through the glass panels like me..).

just like any occasion, the people unseen are often easily forgotten, aint they? like backstage peeps, planners for a party etc etc.

even as i took the whole break just relishing four siew mais and watching them work, i know that Holy Spirit was speaking to me about groups of people in life and how we have not seen them at work, how we have taken them for granted, and how we have forgotten to thank them for their great contributions in your personal life.

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